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Old 04-19-2004, 10:02 AM
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My new Turbo!

I know I had some of you wondering.... All right, it's not a turbo on my SVX, but it is a Subaru.....

First of all, I'm jealous of those of you that managed to make it to Reading this weekend. One of these years the stars and moon will align for me and I'll go.....

I was busy this weekend picking up my new (used) '94 Legacy Turbo Touring Wagon (I've been looking for a nice wagon to use as a 'utility' vehicle) which I won on an eBay auction. The seller indicated that it had a rebuilt title, so I was a little leary at first- (in fact- it probably kept the bids down)- I had one of my buddies that lives in Batavia go over and check it out for me and also decided to pull a CarFAX report. No obvious damage repair (BTW- 137,000 mi's.) and everything seemed to work when he test drove it so I figured 'Go for it!'. I managed to get it for a mere $2201. Here's the auction site:

The wife decided she wanted to come with to bring it home, so we hopped on the Amtrak to Chicago on Sat. morning at 7:40AM and pulled in at 3:45PM. A short walk in Union Station to the Metra to Aurora got us there by 5:40PM. (I couldn't find a one-way plane fare under $200 and I didn't like the prospects of driving down and having to drive two vehicles back, so Amtrak was the logical choice.)

My buddy picked us up at the train station and we met with the dealer and cleared the paperwork. A couple of delays due to paper SNAFU's, but we finally made it work.

After a nice visit over dinner catching up on old times, we were on our way to MN.

Ran into some weather on the way back- rain, heavy rain, hail and gusty winds, but as we all know, a Subaru just shrugs that stuff off. We rolled into the driveway a little before 3:00AM. (Long day!)

The shakedown cruise indicated we could use some fresh struts all around and a brake job to 'clean things up'; also discovered it needs a pair of front axles. I'll flush the tranny and give it a transfusion with some Mobil 1 ATF (we all know that works- right?). Mobil 1 will go in the engine, too, for extra protection for the turbo. I don't think an expenditure of about $600. is too bad to bring this turnpike queen back to her full former glory.

And that's how I spent my weekend.

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Old 04-19-2004, 11:46 AM
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Awesome story. A Turbo'd Legacy Wagon - just get a $100 boost controller and turn up the boost!!! You could make it into WRX Wagon...

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Old 04-19-2004, 03:11 PM
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Originally posted by Chiketkd
You could make it into WRX Wagon...

It is way to nice of a car to do that to it.
British vehicles are my last ditch attempt to keep the nasty Italian thoughts in my mind at bay. So far its working.
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Old 04-19-2004, 03:38 PM
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Screamin deal. Ebay has some great cars for great prices... if only it were a couple months from now (when my wife needs a car), I'd be ALL over this auction:

Me want. >sigh<

- Rob
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Old 04-19-2004, 08:33 PM
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Looks like you got a pretty good deal. I paid around $2500 for my 93 Turbo Wagon with the same milage. Your are going to like it They are great cars.
I am not sure if you know it, but the front bumper and grill have been replaced with non turbo parts.
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Old 04-20-2004, 01:35 AM
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Thanks for the feedback, Mike. There were a couple of other subtle hints that indicated that this vehicle took a hit in the front end. You're starting to confirm that.

I know what this car is capable of being. My car previous to my '94 SVX LSi was a '91 Turbo Sport Sedan. The main diff's are the AT and the larger 'trunk'.

This is going to be my 'new' delivery wagon. Deliveries are going to be much more fun than with the truck it's 'replacing'. (This is what I've been driving- GAACK!!

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Old 04-20-2004, 05:59 AM
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Mark, here is a really good message board for the first gen. Legacy. Legacy Central
it has been a great source of info for me. There are some very knowledgeable people on there.
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Old 04-20-2004, 10:14 AM
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Thanks again for the feedback, Mike! I've been driving (and fixing) Subaru's since 1981. Between myself and my family, we've had a whole bunch of them, but once in a while you forget stuff or a new resource pops up.

I'm hoping to get everything updated over the next couple of days.

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