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Old 09-03-2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by newsvx View Post
Excellent, reasonable post!! People listen when presented in this manner.

Indeed unlike my flaming reply of fire and brimstone.

Anyway, I do believe that the United States should start holding businesses to stricter standards. It does not have to be anything like during the time of breaking up Standard Oil perhaps they should listen to we the customers, since all policies right now are being dictated economically.
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Old 09-03-2008, 04:22 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

How is the price of gas In Mexico different from what the punk in Venezuela does for his socialist country? If a country produces more oil than it consumes, more power to that country offering cheap gas to its citizens. I just wish Chavez would stop trying to become emperor.

I believe as the single biggest consumer of the world's oil supply we MUST present our plans to the world to increase all energy sources and our moves away from petro energy consumption. Only if we present our plans and quickly move on them will we influence the price of oil. Even if oil continues down in price we must stick to the course to become as independent as we can. Everything in the mix, nuke, geo thermal, solar, wind, drilling everywhere, battery power, power cells, hydrogen fuel cells, higher mileage fleet requirements, mass CNG conversion, (my dad had a Dodge pickup around 1980, it ran on LP gas).

If the Dems don't move on increasing energy supply/sources they will be dead meat. However, taking into account that Pelosi is an idiot we may see more gridlock.

For certain, doing nothing is insane.
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Old 09-03-2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by dromano View Post
If the Dems don't move on increasing energy supply/sources they will be dead meat. However, taking into account that Pelosi is an idiot we may see more gridlock.

For certain, doing nothing is insane.
And Bush/Cheney/McCain are even bigger ones. They want to let the free market have at it. In the past 8 years, that has proved to be one big failure.
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I have a bad feeling about this.
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Old 09-03-2008, 04:57 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by Manarius View Post
And Bush/Cheney/McCain are even bigger ones. They want to let the free market have at it. In the past 8 years, that has proved to be one big failure.
Bush/Cheney/McCain didn't put off limits on 80% of the prime drilling area the environmentalist left did that for all of us. So, lets go for $20 a gallon.

Please take a close look at this map. Then print it out and place it on your fridge where you will see it every day.

Gas at $4.10 a gallon. Who's to blame

Thanks to the environmentalist lobby and its influence on legislators in Congress, the U.S. has, for decades, been prohibited from drilling for oil in places that we know contain billions of barrels of proven reserves.

Check out this map: (Sorry, I couldn't get the map to transfer, this was in an email. It shows the areas we can't drill vs the areas we can 80/20). If you would like to see the map it belongs to Senator Larry Craig, go to his site and look under energy.

All of the 'NO' zones are places where the U.S. , thanks to Congress, is prohibited from drilling for oil.

But wait . it gets better.

* China, Cuba, Canada and others continue to drill off our shores where US companies are not allowed to drill because of Congress policies!

Yes, that's right . China and Cuba are actively exploring oil fields 50 miles from Key West, Florida while U.S. companies are barred from working in this area because of U.S. policy . So, instead of allowing the most environmentally responsible companies to operate there and increase our domestic supply, China, who has a dismal environmental record, is preparing to suck our close, lucrative oil reserves dry.


Investor's Business Daily recently explained how irresponsible Congress have been on the energy crisis. They lay into what they consider to be the worst Congress ever for .

~ Failing to allow drilling in ANWR. We have, as President Bush noted, estimated capacity of a million barrels of oil a day from this source alone -- enough for 27 million gallons of gas and diesel. But Congress won't touch it, fearful of the clout of the environmental lobby. As a result, you pay through the nose at the pump so your representative can raise campaign cash.

~ Refusing to build new refineries. The U.S. hasn't built one since 1976, yet the EPA requires at least 15 unique 'boutique' fuel blends that can be sold in different areas around the nation. This means that U.S. refinery capacity is stretched so tight that even the slightest problem at a refinery causes enormous supply problems and price spikes. Congress has done nothing about this.

~ Turning its back on nuclear power. It's safe and, with advances in nuclear reprocessing technology, waste problems have been minimized. Still, we have just 104 nuclear plants -- the same as a decade ago -- producing just 19% of our total energy. (Many European nations produce 40% or more of their power with nuclear.) Granted, nuclear power plants are expensive -- about $3 billion each. But they produce energy at $1.72/kilowatt-hour vs. $2.37 for coal and $6.35 for natural gas.

~ Raising taxes on energy producers. This is where a basic understanding of economics would help: Higher taxes and needless regulation lead to less production of a commodity. So by proposing 'windfall' and other taxes on energy companies plus tough new rules, Congress only makes our energy situation worse.

These are just a few of Congress' sins of omission - - all while India, China, Eastern Europe and the Middle East are adding more than a million barrels of new demand each and every year. New Energy Department forecasts see world oil demand growing 40% by 2030, including a 28% incre ase in the U.S.

Americans who are worried about the direction of their country, including runaway energy and food prices, should keep in mind the upcoming election isn't just about choosing a new president. We'll also pick a new Congress.
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Old 09-04-2008, 06:50 AM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

^ Excellent post.

And by the way I'm MUCH better off now then in 2000. Gas is still cheaper then milk, and WAY cheaper then in Europe. Do I wish it was $1.50 again? Sure, but it's never going to be $1.50 again, even if obama was in office for 20 years.

obama wants to help "working" families by incresing taxes on gasoline and on the "rich" which is people making over $100k a year. That's not rich in the Northeast. Maybe in Iowa it is.

I'll take someone who likes all the Amendments, like the 2nd, and doesn't pick and choose.

McCain/Palin gets my vote because they represent my views better then obama/Biden. If the dems are more your speed, vote for them. The idiotic posts on here have ZERO chance of making someone change their mind on who to vote for. As do those stupid commercials on TV. It is a shame most Americans only know what they know because they saw it on TV.

I'll also vote for a POW over a community organizer.
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Old 09-04-2008, 08:55 AM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Here is an excellent article...
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Old 09-04-2008, 09:31 AM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by newsvx View Post
Excellent, reasonable post!! People listen when presented in this manner.

That said, a couple of corrections:

In 2000, when Bush came to the White House, oil was selling for only $20 (actually a little less).

The Chinese's favorite car (according to a PBS special recently) is a "BLACK" Buick, not a BMW or Mercedes, or whatever.

Gas prices are not the only inflation concern - everything has gone up in price tremendously. The cost of bread, as an example, is up 24%!! Why? Transportation costs due to the high price of gas!! Food costs are a major concern, and the economy is the Number one issue for the voters these days.

Your right it was $20 right then but had been higher right before and nearly immediately after.

Yes the Chinese do like Buicks but BMW sells more 7 series in China then they do in the rest of the world combined. GM has done a horrible job just as they have here marketing their much improved products. They lost much their brand loyality and simply cannot get it back no matter how good of a car they build.

Gas prices just like everything else is tied to inflation and our weak dollar. That's why I can't stomach a vote for a candidate who won't even talk about the real issue that by fixing would start a chain reaction of economic gains. The two major parties simply b/c 80% of the country doesn't listen when someone talks about economics or they realize that each one of them is to blame for the impending crisis don't want to face the truth about their failed policies.
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Old 09-04-2008, 09:43 AM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Palin got more votes for Mayor, the last time she ran then Biden got for President in Delaware in February 2008. She is also the only one of the four to actual serve in the Executive Branch at any level. I think she'll be fine. She isn't the normal nod with the masses politician, and that's a good thing.
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Old 09-04-2008, 09:56 AM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

The oil companies are willing to pay for the leases and many times to let them sit idle as naturally with any business it is better to have prices at the highest level possible yet not to decrease the desire for consumption of the product beyond what is reasonable to achieve max profits. They do it simply so their competition can't go in and drill there either in some cases.

Remember those little supply vs. demand graphs from school. There are quite a few leases that have not seen a single well drilled, a single probe sent, a single dinghy floated over top with oil workers searching for the next big one not because there isn't oil there but rather it isn't in the companies best interest to drill.

Estimates for anwar are very accurate once you do what most anaylists agree works the best when estimating. You eliminate the 2 highest and 1 lowest legit researched amount then average the remaining together. It isn't rocket science but is very accurate!

The downside to drilling everywhere is that then our enemies also know exactly what is there and how much we have (or soon will). That is a very unsettling reality.

Transportation cost does come into play but if China comes over and buys all the oil futures at $250 a barrel, we decide that is too much to pay and don't there is absolutely nothing stopping every drop of oil produced here from going oversees. It is the reality of a free market where commodities trade to the buyer willing to pay the most.

Once the open leased areas are drilled and the resources are available to expand beyond these areas then is the time to talk about other areas but again, the oil companies aren't showing a desire to bring more oil to the market by letting many of these leases sit stagnant until they expire.

Its the same as I've been saying with Bush's Ethanol fiasco all along. Cars since the mid 80s have been designed to run on a 10% eth. and 90% gas mix but yet nationwide we never really got past about 6% eth in all the gas used for on road travel. It made absolutely no sense to push for automakers and the infastructure of delivering an alternative fuel to waste time and resources on E-85 until we had 10% eth. in every gallon of gas sold in this country. What happened was the amount of eth. in "normal" gas went down as it was marketed as e-85 even as production of it increased. Just another one of Washington's failed polices. I wonder when I can go put my deposit down on that hydrogen car Bush promised I'd be able to buy at average car prices in 2010? Wasted time, wasted resources, wasted future. That's what the Rushpublicans and Democraps deliver!

Originally Posted by lhopp77 View Post
It appears that a couple of you have very little knowledge of how oil leases work or even much about the oil industry. First, government leases have a specified duration with the maximum being 10 years. Some are shorter duration. If the lease owner does not drill, they lose the lease and any money they may have paid for it.

Frequently, areas with no oil potential are grouped with areas that do have potential. As oil companies are in business to make money--they will not drill in areas that have very little likelihood of having oil or gas and will not drill in areas that do have oil or gas if the production costs will exceed the value of oil obtained. Many, many marginal wells in the US are being pumped now while oil prices are high, but are not pumped when prices drop below production costs.

An example of why I say we need to drill in ANWAR is the estimate of oil reserves in the area. Different experts estimate there is somewhere between 600 million barrels to as much as 9.2 billion barrels. THIS IS PRECISELY MY POINT--we need to drill in these now off limits areas to actually make a better determination of how much there is.

So, if benebobit means that I say there are BAD OIL LEASE areas--that is true. The actual quality of the land area does not have a direct correlation to whether or not there is oil or gas.

And of course we export some oil--it is actually cheaper to export Alaskan oil and to buy Mexican or other source oil simply because of transportation costs to refining facilities.

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Old 09-04-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

Originally Posted by Royal Tiger View Post
. I think she'll be fine. She isn't the normal nod with the masses politician, and that's a good thing.
You can say that again, she's a book banning, bible beating, power abusing do as I say not as I do politician. It just so happens that every other major politician from Alaska in the past few years seems to be 100x worse.

Anybody who equates the Iraq war to "God's work, advocates putting a pipeline in your evening prayer session because it is something that God would want, parades a 4 month old around in public at a time he should be sleeping comfortably in his crib so she can score political points because of his special needs, slows down by refusing to testify rather than speeding up an ethics investigation so that results are not likely prior to the national election is sure going to be "fine" in any sane person's mine too.
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Old 09-04-2008, 03:51 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

She hasn't said God is a Republican like dirtbag DNC idiots, or laugh at the prospect of 1,000's of Americans dying in another flood to stop the RNC Convention:

There are idiots in both parties. The difference is the Republicans don't bow before their messiah. obama is getting a free ride in the media, while Palin is not. Somehow obama doing cocaine and marijuana is no big deal, however according to that POS NY Times, Palin's husband's DUI 22 years ago is important.
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Old 09-04-2008, 04:19 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

i was ted stevens in the mock senate of our ninth grade american government class.

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Old 09-04-2008, 04:36 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP


Hustle to St Paul and join up with the trouble makers. Since you have nothing but bad things to say about all politicians perhaps you could achieve some satisfaction by disrupting the RNC. Your negativity is unsettling. Folks, if you think this is a flame job I am sorry. I can't comprehend how one of us has so much hate for the system. Go to another place that is in sympathy with your views. Leave us to suffer in our miserable system. Either accept the good with the bad or leave or shut up.

If you don't want to hear this rhetoric then eliminate the political section of the forum.

I just can't help myself.
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Last edited by dromano; 09-04-2008 at 04:41 PM.
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Old 09-04-2008, 04:50 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

No one is trying to change anyone elses vote!!!! This is supposed to be a discussion (at times) (sometimes not) views are views, they are not always civil. Moderators: just let it go, it will work its self out. In the end we are not political friends or enemies, we are SVX fans.

How do you accept being told you are out of line when tomorrow may be your funeral? My blood is 50% Italian, I talk loud and I get emotional for little or no usual reason.
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Old 09-04-2008, 05:08 PM
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Re: McCain picks Alaska's Govenor for VP

My negativity as many of the younger crowd is a direct result from the failings your generation and countless others has brought to this country in the political relm.

You can't understand because you will most likely not be around to see the continued decline of this great country if left to the same two parties who you no doubt voted into office.

Finally, if you have the arrogance to tell me or anybody else who has a difference of an opinion then your to shut up question my desire to be a part of the solutions that your corrupt two party system has brought us I'd be happy to come to your house and teach you the manners and respect for others that your parental unit(s) neglected to.

It isn't abour rhetoric it is about respecting one's right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH which I hold dearly. If you don't then I suppose it is you who might want to investigate a place to move land where freedom of speech isn't permitted.

Politics and manners are two different things and it seems that since you can't seperate the two I can only see you are not willing to solve the problems that our country faces. You simply want to vote for cheap gas. Last I saw UAE was charging about $.30 a gallon!

Originally Posted by dromano View Post

Hustle to St Paul and join up with the trouble makers. Since you have nothing but bad things to say about all politicians perhaps you could achieve some satisfaction by disrupting the RNC. Your negativity is unsettling. Folks, if you think this is a flame job I am sorry. I can't comprehend how one of us has so much hate for the system. Go to another place that is in sympathy with your views. Leave us to suffer in our miserable system. Either accept the good with the bad or leave or shut up.

If you don't want to hear this rhetoric then eliminate the political section of the forum.

I just can't help myself.
British vehicles are my last ditch attempt to keep the nasty Italian thoughts in my mind at bay. So far its working.
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