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nobody cares eh?
man do i ever feel like lone wolf. with nerdy coke bottle specs and a bow tie. 8^P
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." '92 Dark Teal SVX LS-L, >146,000m 3 pedals, 5 speeds., restoration underway. 2012 Honda Insight, slow but cute. |
Re: Re: so whats before the quark?
Second, there is an aspect of string theory wherein there are multiple universes and in which time doesn't exist except as a human perception thing - our perception of time is because we simply move from one "time slice" to another. Third, I don't think Big Bang ruled out, or didn't either, universe within a universe. However, there is no credible scientific theory supporting it that I'm aware of. Fourth, I WANT ONE OF THOSE TRANNYS ! |
Re: so whats before the quark?
I haven't read much on this in recent times, but still I'll throw in my $0.02.
If there is an aspect of modern physics that's anywhere near proven, it's relativity (special and general). I mean it could get overwritten by a new theory like Al did to Sir Issac, but since we have to make clock corrections for GPS orbits do to speed and gravity, particle half-lives extended while in an accelerator, light bending as it passes a star, etc., it's pretty much accepted. You're much better off doubting quantum mechanics or the new string theories You should consider a course on quantum mechanics if you think space is void. Most QM advocates think "empty" space is virtually frothing with energy and particles are created annihilated all the time. Of course for really weird theories you should try the one that says the universe (including "empty" space) is filled up with matter (dark matter?), but we can only perceive it when its above a certain energy level. According to this school of thought, when one of these hidden pieces of matter somehow jumps up in energy so we can see it, then the "hole" left behind is what we currently perceive as anti-matter - so that anti-matter doesn't really exist. Then there's this one where there's only one electron in the whole universe - I'd say that's one really busy little fella huh? Anybody but me seen the preliminary finds from CERN? Some group claims they have tele/transported an electron from one side of a room to another - won't be long now until we hear Kirk calling for Scotty. |
14 to 16 billion years in layman time. not very long in universe time.
i thought massive amounts of radiation were ejected from the axi ("north" and "south" poles) of black holes? maybe i saw this on Nova and ingrained it in memory. who knows. so how far down does it go before being artist renditions? the molecule? last pic i saw of a carbon atom was in 10th grade (1998) and it was supposedly real. real blurry and small but real nonetheless. youd think we could advance some in 15 years. speculation or not, something happened/existed. be it God or a random leakage from another dimension or a rip in the fabric of space-time or the condensed remains of the 'existence' before it. ... i just randomly understood how the fountain theory works just now. just popped into my head.... if something were to be leaking matter/antimatter/darkmatter into the 'center' of the universe at an incredible rate, would it not push all other matter outwards like a puddle of water under a leaky faucet? assume its been proven all galaxies relative to ours are moving away from us (which they are). if we are not at the center, which is true because matter does not spill forth at incredible rates, then this theory is ruled out. galaxies in "front" of ours move away from us faster than those "behind". this was proven using the light spectrum. way i see it, nothing cant be a possibilty. that is to say something 'had' to happen. if there wasn't anything to create a something, what would there be? nothing, which is impossible. you cant have a nothing. prove me wrong and ill pay double its value. which is limitless, at least to the scientific community. but since that would be double of everythng, which is also impossible, i dont see that happening. and this is how some came to believe we are merely someone elses dream. it sucks to live in an incomprehensible world. im just having random thoughts. this is the only stuff i used to think about sans 11th grade. nikfu- - we having fun yet?
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." '92 Dark Teal SVX LS-L, >146,000m 3 pedals, 5 speeds., restoration underway. 2012 Honda Insight, slow but cute. |
whomever thinks there is only one electron in the universe must be expelled from the scientific community for all eternity or til the end of existence, which is first. ive heard of what CERN has done. it was in the paper not too long ago. ridiculous. it just moved too fast to detect. something to think about: if you were to be teleported, successful or not, you will die. for your molecules to be ripped apart and put back together (even in the right order) will be like building a lego something, then destroying it and building it again. unless we prove memories are stored physically in something thats not a form of electricity you would lose them all. youd also need a good jolt to bring you back to the land of the conscious. do i tend to bring up morbid scary things? heres another: why light speed travel is impossible. well not impossible, but impossible to be a form of transportation. data, light and communication wavelengths, all travel at certain determined speeds. most at less than light speed. therefore traveling at light speed would make use of sensors impossible because the data could not either catch up to or get in front of the vehicle. this means that the auto-pilot could not make adjustments to avoid all the particles it will ram into. at that speed there are enough particle in space to rip a ship to shreds unless it is protected by some kind of force barrier, which will need to be powered by nuclear or cold fusion, which would create a beautiful fireworks show when it slams into something big and dense. teleportation would be nice but there has to be a recieving device and a clear pathway or else you wont be put back together correctly. welcome to my impossible world.
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." '92 Dark Teal SVX LS-L, >146,000m 3 pedals, 5 speeds., restoration underway. 2012 Honda Insight, slow but cute. Last edited by NikFu S.; 12-01-2003 at 11:15 PM. |
thats what i was talking about. what we see is the radiation.
Ed: heres something intersting i found. simple gif movies of falling into a blackhole. they dont make much sense except for the third one but the page has lots of info.
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." '92 Dark Teal SVX LS-L, >146,000m 3 pedals, 5 speeds., restoration underway. 2012 Honda Insight, slow but cute. Last edited by NikFu S.; 12-01-2003 at 11:24 PM. |
found a pic. its those 'jets' on the top and bottom.
Ed: on second thought dont read that site. it says retarded things about relative time dilation, which is laughable theory at best. its all very optimistic and just a way to say what you want to be real. prove it with more than words then get back to me, you so-called geniuses of astronomy and physics. (i direct that at noone) man i hate being such a skeptic. heres a GOOD site. forgot about cosmic background radiation. supports big bang only. werd.
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." '92 Dark Teal SVX LS-L, >146,000m 3 pedals, 5 speeds., restoration underway. 2012 Honda Insight, slow but cute. Last edited by NikFu S.; 12-02-2003 at 12:06 AM. |