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View Poll Results: what have u replaced
rear wheel bearings 30 42.86%
automatic transmsion 44 62.86%
frount engine or rear main engine seal 12 17.14%
valve cover gaskets 20 28.57%
complete engine over haul 2 2.86%
cv joints 18 25.71% sensor 8 11.43%
starter 3 4.29%
alternator 16 22.86%
p.s pump or power steering rack 16 22.86%
engine motor mounts 2 2.86%
suspension work i.e shocks// springs ///bushings 17 24.29%
other 15 21.43%
Brake Rotors 27 38.57%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 70. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-07-2003, 06:46 PM
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Originally posted by LarryIII
The biggest problem with the SVX is new owners asking the same "How to" questions again and again.

I suggest that we set up a new forum called "Typical Problems & Solutions" . We make it open to all, not just members; maybe on a 'Read-Only' basis.
That's what I'm trying to do with my SVX Information Warehouse page. I want it to be a complete collection of information and how-to's on everything SVX.

I'm completely open for submissions and requests for what people would want to see.
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Old 02-08-2003, 07:34 AM
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Re: We don't need to pay for no STEENKIN' LABOR...

Originally posted by STORMINORMAN

My posting must not have been very clear: all four rear bearing replacements were, in fact, done 100% under Warranty (but, rather reluctantly, I might add!). I would bet that most replacement problems come from not properly cleaning & repacking the new bearings with silicone grease, oe improper instalation, i.e. overtourqed.

I certainly agree that the repair was not accomplished properly, and threads here on this board were instrumental in many of my arguements that this was, (again) IN FACT, the case. Common causes include the one you mentioned: they even suggested to me that perhaps one of the previous repairs had, "somehow" damaged the hub.

My answer was simple: since it was ONLY Subaru Techs at Subaru Dealerships that were performing REPEATED Warranty repairs on my car they should not hesitate to correct ANY & ALL problems they might have created, i.e. "Go ahead and replace them if you damaged them-just don't ask me to pay for your mistakes. As a matter of fact, it is your duty & legal responsibility to do so.

The "Proof is in the Pudding" was my basic tenant. I kept asking Subaru to define for me the concept of a properly completed Warranty Repair: I suggested that a repair that ACTUALLY FIXED THE PROBLEM was the only sane criteria. This was not a case of wearing out brake pads, or a front end out of alignment caused by driving over rough terrain. The rear wheels HAVE TO ROTATE to drive the car, don't they?.

What if this was the U-joint & coupling in the steering wheel shaft assembly? If it failed (repeatedly) causing accidents there would have been a huge SAFETY CAMPAIGN, Recall, redesign, whatever... You do have to be able to steer, don't you?

Frankly, this kind of reasoned approach can often work wonders once you get to the right level of management & supervision. It can take a while to get there, though.


That's good Norm. If more people took your approach, they would have to get the house in order and make double sure the bearings stayed fixed!!

Glad you are getting it done 100% cost free, but it is still strange they do not see the need for a hub change to ensure non-failure.

In your case, it is still causing you inconvenience, having your car back in the shop all the time. Get tougher if it fails next time, and insist on a hub.

Black Betty [Bam a Lam!] '93 UK spec, still languishing Betty
Jersey Girl Silver '92 UK [Channel Isles] 40K Jersey Girl @ Mersea
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Old 02-08-2003, 11:58 AM
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Wink Whas' all this Hub-bub?

Hey, Joe

For all I know they did (might have ) replaced one or both of the hubs the last time they replaced the rear bearings. All I know is that I made sure (once they had received authorization from the Subaru Zone Service for the "extended" warranty repair) they were aware that if the problem continued UNSOLVED after 4 warranty repairs, and the bearings went out AGAIN, and I found out, subsequently, through either their disclosure or through independant mechanical analysis that the bearings OR the hubs had been reinstalled improperly or defectively, that my expectation was they would replace them, AGAIN, for free...

OR, I would use the clear evidence of 3 previous ineffective or defective warranty repairs as the basis for a nice, local Small Claim Court case. I really didn't think they doubted that I would actually do this, nor that i would, eventually, prevail.

The Service Manager assured me everything had been cleaned, checked, inspected, measured, etc. to make absolutely sure the repair was compleated correctly...

He said the Zone guy did not feel it was necessary to meet with me "face-to-face" the next time he visited the Dealership, as had been my request before they finally caved-in and approved the 4th repair 100% (they had offered 50% coverage, initially: that's when I discovered that the price for the repair had virtually DOUBLED)...

Hmmmmm... 50% of 200% = 100% No way.

All's well that ends well... 23K and counting
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Old 02-10-2003, 05:16 AM
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Smile SVX hub-ris

Originally posted by STORMINORMAN
Hey, Joe

For all I know they did (might have ) replaced one or both of the hubs the last time they replaced the rear bearings. All I know is that I made sure (once they had received authorization from the Subaru Zone Service for the "extended" warranty repair) they were aware that if the problem continued UNSOLVED after 4 warranty repairs, and the bearings went out AGAIN, and I found out, subsequently, through either their disclosure or through independant mechanical analysis that the bearings OR the hubs had been reinstalled improperly or defectively, that my expectation was they would replace them, AGAIN, for free...

OR, I would use the clear evidence of 3 previous ineffective or defective warranty repairs as the basis for a nice, local Small Claim Court case. I really didn't think they doubted that I would actually do this, nor that i would, eventually, prevail.

The Service Manager assured me everything had been cleaned, checked, inspected, measured, etc. to make absolutely sure the repair was compleated correctly...

He said the Zone guy did not feel it was necessary to meet with me "face-to-face" the next time he visited the Dealership, as had been my request before they finally caved-in and approved the 4th repair 100% (they had offered 50% coverage, initially: that's when I discovered that the price for the repair had virtually DOUBLED)...

Hmmmmm... 50% of 200% = 100% No way.

All's well that ends well... 23K and counting
Well, if you are getting 23K on the current fix, that is not so bad. That is about a year's driving for me, I would be happy enough with it.

You are also getting the satisfaction of making them live between the boundaries of consumer protection legislation, and their work warranty.

Keep up the good work, and stop wreckin' the bearings with 0.99g turns!

Black Betty [Bam a Lam!] '93 UK spec, still languishing Betty
Jersey Girl Silver '92 UK [Channel Isles] 40K Jersey Girl @ Mersea
Candy Purple Honda Blackbird Plum Dangerous
White X2 RVR Mitsubishi 1800GDI. Vantastic

40,000 miles Jersey Girl
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